Applied Maple for Engineers and Scientists free download online

Title: Applied Maple for Engineers and Scientists
Author(s): Steven Adams, Christopher S. Tocci
Pages: 406
Publisher: Artech House Publishers
Publication date: 1996
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0890068534
Description: Author shows how real-world engineering problems can be solved using MAPLE as the principal tool. Features practical examples and detailed explanations. MAPLE is easy-to-use software that performs numerical and symbolic analysis to solve complex mathematical problems. A reference for engineers, scientists, and application developers, it shows you how to tap the full power of MAPLE in solving real-world engineering problems in circuit theory, control theory, curve fitting, mechanics and digital signal processing. The book includes more than 65 figure, 100 equatiions, and accompanying software that includes exercises, MAPLE features and MAPLE subroutines. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction What is a CAS ? Numbers Symbols More about Maple Maple: a tutorial Help Maple as a calculator Maple as a programmable calculator Chapter 2 Active filter design and analysis Case I: analog low-pass filter design and analysis Use of Laplace transform explained Constituent relationships derived Designing a 1-kHz Butterworth LPF Bode magnitude and phase plots Improvement on the 1-kHz Butterworth LPF Butterworth LPF component sensitivity analysis Unequal resistance values in the Butterworth LPF topology Butterworth LPF test setup Design iteration of LPFs for newer filtering requirements Unit step response Conclusion Case II: comb filter analysis and design Filter derivation and analysis Separating a known signal from an interfering neighboring background design Cascading comb filters Conclusion Chapter 3 Curve fitting Introduction Case study: Gaussian peak estimator filter example with regressive curve fitting Starting the Maple regression session Linear regression using a logarithmic representation of the Gaussian model Problem data set for linear regression Nonlinear regression: the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm General polynomial regression High-order polynomial regression fit problems Quick moral about curve fitting Conclusion Chapter 4 Mathematical models: working with differential equations ODE tools: a tour The dsolve function The DEtools package The difforms package Series methods Modeling dynamic systems A simple shock absorber A twin mass shock absorber A nonlinear system Chapter 5 Continuous control application theory Linear control system analysis Frequency-domain approach Partial fraction expansion Time-domain approach Time-invariant versus time-variant systems Analysis of a time-invariant system: fundamentals The state transition matrix Conclusion Chapter 6 Discrete control applications The pulse transfer function Transforming continuous signals Calculating the time response State space equations and their canonical forms Applied Maple for Engineers and Scientists Transfer function to state space (the controllable canonical form) Observable canonical form Chapter 7 Discrete data processing Maple plots The plot structure Image conversion Togreyscale Normalize Tofalsecolor Conclusion Linear filters Differencing Moving average Moving median Exponential filtering Conclusion Chapter 8 Switching topologies Steady-state method Pulse width modulator driver Switching power supply Fourier method Appendix A Appendix B Glossary About the authors Index

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