Digital Design, 2nd Edition (+Solutions to 3rd edtition) free download online

Title: Digital Design, 2nd Edition (+Solutions to 3rd edtition)
Author(s): M. Morris Mano
Pages: 592
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 Sub edition
Publication date: 1995
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 013212937X
Description: Analyzes the electronic circuits of the TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS digital logic families. Covers both synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits with formal procedures for their analysis and design. Introduces the algorithmic and state machine (ASM) method of digital design with applications to design state machines. Presents the IEEE/ANSI standard graphic symbols for logic elements. Uses the map method to simplify procedures for implementing multilevel NAND and NOR circuits. Includes laboratory experiments that can be performed with standard integrated circuits and other inexpensive hardware that is available commercially. Table of Contents 1. Binary Systems. 2. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates. 3. Simplification of Boolean Functions. 4. Combinational Logic. 5. MSI and PLD Components. 6. Synchronous Sequential Logic. 7. Registers, Counters, and the Memory Unit. 8. Algorithmic State Machines (ASM). 9. Asynchronous Sequential Logic. 10. Digital Integrated Circuits. 11. Laboratory Experiments. 12. Standard Graphic Symbols. Appendix: Answers to Selected Problems.

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