Title: Scheduling Algorithms Author(s): Peter Brucker Pages: 371 Publisher: Springer; 5th ed. edition Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 354069515X ISBN-13: Description: Besides scheduling problems for single and parallel machines and shop scheduling problems the book covers advanced models involving due-dates, sequence dependent changeover times and batching. Also multiprocessor task scheduling and problems with multi-purpose machines are discussed. The methods used to solve these problems are linear programming, dynamic programming, branch-and-bound algorithms, and local search heuristics. Complexity results for different classes of deterministic scheduling problems are summerized.
From the reviews of the fourth edition:
"This is a book about scheduling algorithms. The book contains eleven chapters. Most of the chapters contain the summarized complexity results. In this edition the complexity columns have been updated. The book is completed by the bibliography which also has been updated and now contains 198 references. The book is well organized. It will be useful for specialists in scheduling theory and in combinatorial optimization." (I.N. Lushchakova, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1060, 2005)
From the reviews of the fifth edition:
"One of the competitive books on the theory of machine scheduling in the market, this book, now in its fifth edition, was first published in 1995. This book is theoretically oriented with little treatment of practical issues. It is suitable for researchers and graduate students in mathematics, computer science, operations research, management science, and industrial engineering. To summarize, this is an excellent theoretically oriented reference book written by an expert on the classical results of deterministic machine scheduling." (Donglei Du, SIAM Review, Vol. 50 (1), 2008)