Digital Control of Electrical Drives (Power Electronics and Power Systems) free download online
Title: Digital Control of Electrical Drives (Power Electronics and Power Systems) Author(s): Slobodan N. Vukosavic Pages: 352 Publisher: Springer; 1 edition Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0387259856 ISBN-13: Description: Digital Control of Electrical Drives offers insight into electric drives and their usage in motion control environment. It provides links among electrical machine and control theory, practical hardware aspects, programming issues, and application-specific problems. The book prepares the reader to understand the key elements of motion control systems, analyze and design discrete-time speed and position controllers, set adjustable feedback parameters, and evaluate closed-loop performances. Basic engineering principles are used to derive the controller structure in an intuitive manner, so that designs are easy to comprehend, modify, and extend.
Digital Control of Electrical Drives helps the reader acquire practical skills in designing discrete-time speed and position controllers. Each chapter is followed by a set of MatlabR and SimulinkR tools which help readers master the phases of design, tuning, simulation, and evaluation of discrete time controllers, and foresee the effects of control solution on the overall motion control system. Readers will also understand the present performance limits of digital motion controllers.
1 Speed Control
1.1 Basic structure of the speed-controlled system
2 Basic Structure of the Speed Controller
2.1 Proportional control action
2.1.1 Open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions
2.1.2 Load rejection of the proportional speed controller
2.1.3 Proportional speed controller with variable reference
2.1.4 Proportional speed controller with frictional load
2.2 The speed controller with proportional and integral action
2.2.1 Transfer functions of the system with a PI controller
2.2.2 Load rejection with the PI speed controller
2.2.3 Step response with the PI speed controller
2.2.4 The PI speed controller with relocated proportional action
2.2.5 Parameter setting and the closed-loop bandwidth
2.2.6 Variable reference tracking
2.3 Suppression of load disturbances and tracking errors
2.3.1 The proper controller structure for the given reference profile
2.3.2 Internal Model Principle (IMP)
2.4 Feedforward compensation
3 Parameter Setting of Analog Speed Controllers
3.1 Delays in torque actuation
3.1.1 The DC drive power amplifiers
3.1.2 Current controllers
3.1.3 Torque actuation in voltage-controlled DC drives
3.2 The impact of secondary dynamics on speed-controlled DC drives
3.3 Double ratios and the absolute value optimum
3.4 Double ratios with proportional speed controllers
3.5 Tuning of the PI controller according to double ratios
3.6 Symmetrical optimum
4 Digital Speed Control
4.1 Discrete-time implementation of speed controllers
4.2 Analysis of the system with a PI discrete-time speed controller
4.2.1 The system with an idealized torque actuator and inertial load
4.2.2 The z-transform and the pulse transfer function
4.2.3 The transfer function of the mechanical subsystem
4.2.4 The transfer function of the speed-measuring subsystem
4.3 High-frequency disturbances and the sampling process
4.4 The closed-loop system pulse transfer function
4.5 Closed-loop poles and the effects of closed-loop zeros
4.6 Relocation of proportional gain
4.7 Parameter setting of discrete-time speed controllers
4.7.1 Strictly aperiodic response
4.7.2 Formulation of criterion function
4.7.3 Calculation of the optimized values for normalized gains
4.8 Performance evaluation by means of computer simulation
4.9 Response to large disturbances and the wind-up phenomenon
4.10 Anti-Wind-Up mechanism
4.11 Experimental verification of the discrete-time speed controller
5 Digital Position Control
5.1 The role and desired performance of single-axis positioners
5.2 The pulse transfer function of the control object
5.3 The structure of position controllers
5.3.1 Derivative action in position controllers
5.3.2 Relocation of derivative action into the feedback path
5.3.3 The position controller with a minor speed loop
5.3.4 Stiffness of the position-controlled system
5.4 The discrete-time PD position controller
5.5 Optimized parameter setting
5.6 Computer simulation of the system with a PD controller
5.7 Operation of the PD position controller with large disturbances
5.8 The nonlinear position controller
5.8.1 The speed-limit dependence on the remaining path
5.8.2 Enhancing the PD controller
5.8.3 The error of the minor-loop speed controller
5.9 Computer simulation of the system with a nonlinear PD controller
5.10 Experimental evaluation of performances
6 The Position Controller with Integral Action
6.1 The operation in linear mode and the pulse transfer functions
6.2 Parameter setting of PID position controllers
6.3 The step response and bandwidth of the PD and PID controller
6.4 Computer simulation of the input step and load step response
6.5 Large step response with a linear PID position controller
6.6 The nonlinear PID position controller
6.6.1 The maximum speed in linear operating mode
6.6.2 Enhancing the PID controller with nonlinear action
6.6.3 Evaluation of the nonlinear PID controller
6.7 Experimental verification of the nonlinear PID controller
7 Trajectory Generation and Tracking
7.1 Tracking of ramp profiles with the PID position controller
7.1.1 The steady-state error in tracking the ramp profile
7.2 Computer simulation of the ramp-tracking PID controller
7.3 Generation of reference profiles
7.3.1 Coordinated motion in multiaxis systems
7.3.2 Trajectories with trapezoidal speed change
7.3.3 Abrupt torque changes and mechanical resonance problems
7.3.4 'S' curves
7.4 Spline interpolation of coarse reference profiles
8 Torsional Oscillations and the Antiresonant Controller
8.1 Control object with mechanical resonance
8.2 Closed-loop response of the system with torsional resonance
8.3 The ratio between the motor and load inertia
8.4 Active resonance compensation methods
8.5 Passive resonance compensation methods
8.6 Series antiresonant compensator with a notch filter
8.6.1 The notch filter attenuation and width
8.6.2 Effects of the notch filter on the closed-loop poles and zeros
8.6.3 Implementation aspects of the notch antiresonant filters
8.7 Series antiresonant compensator with the FIR filter
8.7.1 IIR and FIR filters
8.7.2 FIR antiresonant compensator
8.7.3 Implementation aspects of FIR antiresonant compensators
8.8 Computer simulation of antiresonant compensators
8.9 Experimental evaluation
8.10 Sustained torsional oscillations
A C-code for the PD position controller
B ASM-code for the PID position controller
C Time functions and their Laplace and z-transforms
D Properties of the Laplace transform
E Properties of the z-transform
F Relevant variables and their units
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