Title: Judge & Jury Author(s): James Patterson, Andrew Gross Pages: 432 Publisher: Little, Brown and Company Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: ISBN-10: 0316013935 ISBN-13: Description: From Publishers Weekly
Bestsellers Patterson and Gross (Lifeguard) once again deliver what their fans expect in this slapdash revenge thriller. When mob godfather Dominic Cavello is finally brought to trial by FBI agent Nick Pellisante, his longtime nemesis, the accused is strangely unconcerned even as a parade of his former criminal associates finger him as having ordered a hit on a corrupt businessman. The gangster's plan to intimidate the decision-makers at his trial reaches its climax when he arranges for a bomb to blow up the bus transporting the jury. The sole survivor teams up with Pellisante to make Cavello pay. Numerous legal howlers that would be obvious even to those who only know about trials from watching Law and Order may annoy some readers.