Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Third Edition free download online
Title: Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Third Edition Author(s): Stuart Ball Pages: 432 Publisher: Newnes; 3 edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0750675349 ISBN-13: Description: The less-experienced engineer will be able to apply Ball's advice to everyday projects and challenges immediately with amazing results. In this new edition, the author has expanded the section on debug to include avoiding common hardware, software and interrupt problems. Other new features include an expanded section on system integration and debug to address the capabilities of more recent emulators and debuggers, a section about combination microcontroller/PLD devices, and expanded information on industry standard embedded platforms.
* Covers all 'species' of embedded system chips rather than specific hardware
* Learn how to cope with 'real world' problems
* Design embedded systems products that are reliable and work in real applications
I'm very impressed...[Embedded Microprocessor Systems] covers many aspects of developing embedded systems that engineers new to the field may not consider.
-Ken Davidson, Editor-in-Chief of Circuit Cellar INK, about the previous edition
This book will provide an excellent introduction for someone new to the art of embedding microprocessors into systems. It is labeled as an introduction to the design of embedded microprocessor systems, and I think it achieves this better than any other book I have seen. So can I recommend this book? Yes, very much. It is up-to-date, clear, and full of helpful tips.
-Dr. Alistair Armitage, Measurement & Control
Students and engineers new to embedded work looking for a general introduction to embedded system design will benefit from this book. It is suitable for engineers coming from the software or the hardware side. Highly Recommended.
-Chris Hills, CVu -- Review
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