Title: Determinants and Matrices Author(s): Alexander Craig Aitken Pages: 135 Publisher: Oliver & Boyd; Interscience Publication date: 1949 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: Review by maxand:
This is a classic work by a man who has been called "the greatest mathematician of his era".
Alexander Aitken (1895-1967) "possessed an astonishing computational brain that could complete challenges that today are reserved for the most complex computers. As one of the most remarkable mathematical brains of all time, Aitken could recite Pi to 707 decimal places, multiply two nine digit numbers in his head in 30 seconds, and render fractions to 26 decimal places in under five seconds."
Brilliant men often seem to be able to explain difficult concepts very simply. The earliest textbooks on a subject are often the best ones to read. This book is no exception. Btw, its first edition was published in 1939.