Title: Maximizing .NET Performance Author(s): Nick Wienholt Pages: 304 Publisher: friends of ED; 1 edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 1590591410 ISBN-13: Description: Maximizing .NET Performance will focus on providing developers and architects with information on performance characteristics of various aspects of the .NET Framework. In addition to providing high-level material on achieving software with good performance characteristics, the book aims to educate readers on the design and implementation of the Framework, and to provide the tools and techniques to allow readers to conduct their own investigation into performance problems.
The dominant feature of the book will be the systematic analysis of performance relating to key Framework topics, like remoting, garbage collection, and threading. Rather than a 'tips and tricks' approach, the book aims to provide a detailed exploration of each topic, and explore the 'whys' and 'by how much' aspects of performance that are often overlooked.
Maximizing .NET Performance is the first book dedicated entirely to providing developers and architects with information on .NET Framework performance. .NET is a technology with a vast surface area, and coverage of every aspect of performance relevant to all .NET technologies is not possible within a single volume. This book concentrates on the performance of .NET Framework technologies like garbage collection, .NET Remoting, and Code Access Security. Because these technologies form the building blocks upon which all .NET applications run, the information in this book is relevant to all .NET developers.
In addition to providing high-level material on achieving software with good performance characteristics, the books aims to enhance readers' knowledge of the design and implementation of the Framework, and to provide the tools and techniques to allow readers to conduct their own investigation into performance problems. Rather than a 'tips and tricks' approach, the book aims to provide a detailed exploration of each topic, and explore the 'whys' and 'by how much' aspects (with actual benchmark results) of performance that are often overlooked.