Title: Kismet Hacking Author(s): Brad Haines Pages: 258 Publisher: Syngress Publication date: 2008 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1597491179 ISBN-13: Description: Book Description
The only book on the industry standard for examining wireless network traffic!
Product Description
Kismet Hacking brings together the premiere wireless security experts to outline how to successfully use the top wireless tool, Kismet. As wireless networking continues to spread in home, corporate and government use, and as Linux continues to replace Windows for many advanced users, Kismet is increasingly the tool that they rely upon. Now with the introduction of Kismet NewCore, people who are using Kismet for applications from wireless network design to wireless security, have an improved version of their favorite wireless application. Kismet Hacking is for both new users who are just starting to use Kismet and those who have been using Kismet for years. Vital user information on getting the most out of wireless Linux setups is contained here. This book covers everything a Kismet user would need to know about Kismet, from the basic installation to advanced subjects such as creating Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems.
Product Details
* Paperback: 258 pages
* Publisher: Syngress; Pap/Onl edition (June 25, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1597491179
* ISBN-13: 978-1597491174