Title: Book of Lies Author(s): Aleister Crowley Pages: 213 Publisher: Weiser Books; Reprint edition Publication date: 1986 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0877285160 ISBN-13: Description: THE BOOK OF LIES WHICH IS ALSO FALSELY CALLED BREAKS THE WANDERINGS OR FALSIFICATIONS OF THE ONE THOUGHT OF FRATER PERDURABO (Aleister Crowley) WHICH THOUGHT IS ITSELF UNTRUE
The subject of each chapter is determined more or less definitely by the Qabalistic import of its number. Thus Chapter 25 gives a revised ritual of the Pentagram; 72 is a rondel with the refrain ~Shemhamphorash', the Divine name of 72 letters; 77 Laylah, whose name adds to that number; and 80, the number of the letter Pe, referred to Mars, a panegyric upon War. Sometimes the text is serious and straightforward, sometimes its obscure oracles demand deep knowledge of the Qabalah for interpretation, others contain obscure allusions, play upon words, secrets expressed in cryptogram, double or triple meanings which must be combined in order to appreciate the full flavour; others again are subtly ironical or cynical. At first sight the book is a jumble of nonsense intended to insult the reader. It requires infinite study, sympathy, intuition and initiation.