Algorithms for programmers - ideas and source code free download online

Title: Algorithms for programmers - ideas and source code
Author(s): Joerg Arndt
Pages: 980
Publication date: 2008
Language: English
Format: PDF
Description: Note: Draft version1 of 2008-July-17. The steadily growing "Algorithms for programmers" text (the fxtbook). This is the (work in progress) book "Algorithms for programmers". Publication is planned for the year 2008. Home page: This is a draft of a book about selected algorithms. The audience in mind are programmers who are interested in the treated algorithms and actually want to create and understand working and reasonably optimized code. The style varies somewhat which I do not consider bad per se: While some topics (as fast Fourier transforms) need a clear and explicit introduction others (like the bit wizardry chapter) seem to be best presented by basically showing the code with just a few comments. The pseudo language Sprache is used when I see a clear advantage to do so, mainly when the corresponding C++ does not appear to be self explanatory. Larger pieces of code are presented in C++. C programmers do not need to be shocked by the `++' as only a rather minimal set of the C++ features is used. Some of the code, especially in part 3 (Arithmetical algorithms), is given in the pari/gp language as the use of other languages would likely bury the idea in technicalities. A printable version of this book will always stay online for free download. The referenced sources are online as part of FXT (fast transforms and low level routines [19]) and hfloat (high precision foating point algorithms [20]). The reader is welcome to criticize and suggest improvements. Please name the draft version (date) with your feedback! This version is of 2008-July-17. Note that you can copy and paste from the PDF and DVI versions. Thanks go to those1 who helped to improve this document so far! In case you want to cite this document, please avoid referencing individual chapters or sections as their numbers (and titles) may change. Contents Part I Low level algorithms p.1 1 Bit wizardry p.3 2 Permutations p.91 3 Sorting and searching p.121 4 Data structures p.147 Part II Combinatorial generation p.169 5 Conventions and considerations p.171 6 Combinations p.175 7 Compositions p.193 8 Subsets p.201 9 Mixed radix numbers p.219 10 Permutations p.233 11 Subsets and permutations of a multiset p.291 12 Gray codes for strings with restrictions p.299 13 Parenthesis strings p.317 14 Integer partitions p.331 15 Set partitions p.341 16 A string substitution engine p.357 17 Necklaces and Lyndon words p.361 18 Hadamard and conference matrices p.373 19 Searching paths in directed graphs p.381 Part III Fast orthogonal transforms p.401 20 The Fourier transform p.403 21 Algorithms for fast convolution p.437 22 The Walsh transform and its relatives p.457 23 The Haar transform p.493 24 The Hartley transform p.511 25 Number theoretic transforms (NTTs) p.535 26 Fast wavelet transforms p.543 Part IV Fast arithmetic p.549 27 Fast multiplication and exponentiation p.551 28 Root extraction p.569 29 Iterations for the inversion of a function p.591 30 The arithmetic-geometric mean (AGM) p.603 31 Logarithm and exponential function p.627 32 Numerical evaluation of power series p.641 33 Computing the elementary functions with limited resources p.655 34 Recurrences and Chebyshev polynomials p.667 35 Cyclotomic polynomials, Hypergeometric functions, and continued fractions p.687 36 Synthetic Iterations * p.723 Part V Algorithms for finite fields p.761 37 Modular arithmetic and some number theory p.763 38 Binary polynomials p.827 39 Shift registers p.869 40 Binary finite fields: GF (2n ) p.893 A The electronic version of the book p.929 B Machine used for benchmarking p.931 C The pseudo language Sprache p.933 D The pari/gp language p.935 Bibliography p.943 Part Index p.961

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