Title: Digital Color Management Author(s): Jan-Peter Homann (Author), Andrew Jack Newman (Translator) Pages: 212 Publisher: Springer Publication date: 2008 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 3540671196 ISBN-13: Description: Digital Color Management: Principles and Strategies for the Print Production with ICC Profiles, ISO 12647, SWOP, GRACoL and PDF/X-1a.
The book describes color management for the print production with a focus on implementing standards for separation, soft proof, contract proof, data delivery and printing. The basics and strategies are targeted at setting up vendor-independent color management workflows which can easily be realized with leading applications from e.g. Adobe, AGFA, GMG, Heidelberg, Kodak and X-Rite. The author explains with a unique graphical concept how different standards such as ISO 12647, SWOP, GRACoL, G7, ICC profile format and PDF/X fit together. He describes the main points for setting up color management and quality control from the print buyer over photography, agency and pre-press to the printer. The book has a strong focus on communication between print buyer, photographer, agency, pre-press and printers. Based on the best practice in communication it explains the important steps for quality control for digital data, contract proofs and prints.