Title: More Than Words - Book 1 Author(s): Jeremy Harmer Pages: 208 Publisher: Longman Publication date: 1991 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 058209481X ISBN-13: Description: The aims of More than Words are:
a) to make students more aware of words and what it means
to know and use words fully (especially in English).
b) to make students aware of the vocabulary associated with
certain defined topic areas (e.g. health, sleeping and
waking, clothing, feelings and moods, relationships,
character etc.): to provide material to help students
memorize and practise these words.
c) to provide material which will provoke and stimulate, thus
enabling the students to understand more about the
vocabulary of English and how language works.
d) to provide material which can be used to promote general
skill integration work and other types of language study.
# Paperback: 208 pages
# Publisher: Longman Publishing Group; 2nd edition (January 1991)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 058209481X
# ISBN-13: 978-0582094819