Title: The Mask (Origami) Author(s): Tomoko Fuse Pages: 199 Publisher: Gallery Origami House Publication date: 1997 Language: Japanese Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0356846040 ISBN-13: Description: Review
Summary: Advanced folders need this book
Rating: 5
Sure, it's in Japanese, but there a minimum of "then a miracle occurs" moments (the ones where there's a big hunk of japanese text next to the current diagram and 'you can't get there from here' when you look at the next diagram -- in this case, you can if you become very literal minded about the reference points). If you have Tomoko Fuse's "Manpuku Box" or other 'I Love Origami' titles, you will know what I mean. This is probably not a good first book in Japanese to get if you don't read Japanese, though I have had very good luck with Japanese titles and generally tell friends that not speaking Japanese isn't a barrier.
That said, the masks are *so* gratifying to fold, they are complex and dimensional and when you complete one, you sit back in wonder that someone figured it out in the first place (sort of how I felt folding The Rose the first time). Every friend I have has asked for one. Advanced folders only, these would be really frustrating for a beginner or intermediate (though a persistent intermediate would be an expert by the end). BTW, use a much larger piece of paper than the 30x30cm for the first couple (I used 60x60cm newsprint knowing it would hit the fireplace), it's more forgiving, and use the best mulberry paper you can afford once you know how one is constructed, you'll be glad you did!