Title: Elementary Probability Author(s): David Stirzaker Pages: 536 Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0521534283 ISBN-13: Description: This fully revised and updated new edition of the well established textbook affords a clear introduction to the theory of probability. Topics covered include conditional probability, independence, discrete and continuous random variables, generating functions and limit theorems, and an introduction to Markov chains. The text is accessible to undergraduate students and provides numerous examples and exercises to help develop the important skills necessary for problem solving. First Edition Hb (1994): 0-521-42028-8 First Edition Pb (1994): 0-521-42183-7
"...this book is a superb resource of theory and application. You may never need to buy another book on probability." The Mathematical Gazette
"Excellent! A vast number of well-chosen worked examples and exercises guide the reader through the basic theory of probability at the elementary level....an excellent text." International Statistics Institute.