Title: The PC Graphics Handbook Author(s): Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton Pages: 1048 Publisher: CRC; 1 edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0849316782 ISBN-13: Description: The PC Graphics Handbook serves advanced C++ programmers dealing with the specifics of PC graphics hardware and software. Discussions address:
* 2D and 3D graphics programming for Windows and DOS
* Device-independent graphics ? Mathematics for computer graphics
* Graphics algorithms and procedural operations
* PC video systems architecture, including its history and development
* High-end graphics systems and coprocessors
* Artificial life
* Virtual reality
* Animation techniques for simulations and video games
* VGA, SuperVGA, and VESA
* Device drivers
* Graphics and animation primitives
The authors cover the spectrum of PC graphics programming, including theoretical and practical topics - creating a singularly comprehensive resource for programmers.