Linear Algebra (Cliffs Quick Review) free download online
Title: Linear Algebra (Cliffs Quick Review) Author(s): Steven A. Leduc Pages: 328 Publisher: Cliffs Notes Publication date: 1996 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0822053314 ISBN-13: Description: Cliffs Quick Review course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and approach your exams with newfound confidence.
Cliffs Quick Review Linear Algebra demystifies the topic with straightforward explanations of the fundamentals. This comprehensive guide begins with a close look at vector algebra (including position vectors, the cross product, and the triangle inequality) and matrix algebra (including square matrices, matrix addition, and identity matrices). Once you have those subjects nailed down, you'll be ready to take on topics such as
* Linear systems, including Gaussian elimination and elementary row operations
* Real Euclidean vector spaces, including the nullspace of a matrix, projection into a subspace, and the Rank Plus Nullity Theorem
* The determinant, including definitions, methods, and Cramer's Rule
* Linear transformations, including basis vectors, standard matrix, kernal and range, and composition
* Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, including definitions and illustrations, Eigenspaces, and diagonalization
Cliffs Quick Review Linear Algebra acts as a supplement to your textbook and to classroom lectures. Use this reference in any way that fits your personal style for study and review - the information is clearly arranged and offered in manageable units. Here are just a few of the features you'll find in this guide:
* A review of core concepts
* Clear diagrams and loads of formulas
* Easy to understand definitions and explanations
* Plenty of examples and detailed solutions
With titles available for all the most popular high school and college courses, CliffsQuickReview guides are a comprehensive resource that can help you get the best possible grades.
From the Back Cover
Cliffs Quick Reviews are Produced by The People Who Know Student Needs and Respond to Them. This logically presented, easy-to-grasp review gives you the reference you want to effectively organize your introductory-level course work. Each Review Gives You
* a concise but comprehensive source of ready information on the fundamentals of the subject
* clearly arranged and accessible basic course notes in manageable units and straightforward language
* practical help in checking your understanding of material presented in your classes
* the expertise of an accomplished teacher as your private tutor
* an excellent way to review core concepts before quizzes, midterms, and finals
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