Title: VHDL Made Easy! Author(s): David Pellerin, Douglas Taylor Pages: 432 Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; Har/Cdr edition Publication date: 1996 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0136507638 ISBN-13: Description: Note: CD-ROM is not included.
Presents the concepts of VHDL for synthesis and simulation in an easy-to-understand way, using examples, tutorials, and detailed descriptions of important VHDL language features.
The publisher, Prentice-Hall ECS Professional
An easy-to-understand introduction to the VHDL and HDL languages critical for successful electronic systems design. This book gives electronic engineers the HDL expertise they'll need to compete. Using a casual, examples-based style, this book and companion CD-ROM introduces mainstream design engineers to VHDL and Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) in general. As system complexity increases, VHDL has become critical for electronic system design. This practical guide focuses on the VHDL synthesis-related applications engineers will most likely encounter first. The CD-ROM includes example VHDL source files and a wide variety of valuable VHDL-related data. It also includes a wide range of Windows-based VHDL demonstration software, including PeakVHDL Simulator, V. 1.05; DesignWorks V. 3.14, The Waveformer V. 2.5, and StateCAD V. 2.10g.