Title: The Basis of Music Author(s): Frederick J. Horwood Pages: 82 Publisher: Gordon V. Thompson Limited Publication date: Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: PREFACE
This little book has been written at the request of several teachers and many pupils. It is not theoretical: the reader will look in vain for such things as tetrachords in scale building, nor will he find the number of semitones in a major sixth. It contains as few words as possible, and these words are as short and simple as language permits. There are no footnotes, and the only apology for an appendix is the series of test papers to be worked after the text has been studied. Its aim is to provide pupils with a thorough knowledge of the rudiments of music, and its mastery can only be attained by doing all the exercises and test papers accurately and neatly. The author hopes that pupils will find a sense of satisfaction in being able to do perfect work.