Title: C# 2005 For Dummies Author(s): Stephen Randy Davis, Chuck Sphar Pages: 432 Publisher: For Dummies Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764597043 ISBN-13: Description: * C# is Microsoft's object-oriented programming language designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications
* Fully revised for C# 2005, this book begins with creating a C# program, then moves into C# and object-oriented programming fundamentals, Windows programming with C# and Visual Studio, and debugging and error handling
* A friendly, conversational approach to understanding C# is certain to get readers quickly creating applications
* The CD-ROM contains all the sample code in the book as well as bonus materials
From the Publisher
C# 2005 for Dummies is a thorough update of the original C# for Dummies title. The new edition brings the book up to date on C# features added in the C# 2.0 version that ships with Microsoft's new Visual Studio 2005. The book's friendly, conversational approach brings C# and new features like generics and iterators down to earth "for the rest of us." Readers with little or no programming experience can get a good start here. Readers with more experience will find this a congenial way to acquire a fine new language. Virtually every page of the original book has been updated or sometimes replaced to give you the latest cool stuff. Earlier versions of C# gave us "collections"--objects for storing lots of similar things. Now, C# 2.0 gives us the ability to write our own collections using generic constructs. Explore generics by helping OOPs, Inc., compete with its rival package shippers using their new generic priority queue collection. In C# 1.0, you could write your own iterator--an object that makes it easy to loop through a collection item by item. Now, C# 2.0 makes writing iterators much, much easier. Explore iterators by iterating anything that will hold still long enough. C# 2005 for Dummies thoroughly covers generics, iterators, and other new C# features and introduces many new features of Microsoft Visual Studio. As a bonus, you get tons of sample programs, five extra chapters, including one on using "C# on the Cheap," plus three nifty, valuable utility programs you can install and use for your own programming. And, to accompany and supplement C# 2005 for Dummies, there's a new Web site at CSharp102.com and a companion blog at CSharp102.blogspot.com. Visit soon.