Title: Tuesdays with Morrie Author(s): Mitch Albom Pages: 212 Publisher: Time Warner Paperbacks Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: LIT ISBN-10: 0751529818 ISBN-13: Description: 'tuesdays with Morrie' is a short, simple book that proves a work doesn't need to be long or bloated to touch the soul or sell. Renowned sportswriter Mitch Albom reconnects with his professor from college after hearing the sad news that his beloved teacher is dying from ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). What originally was supposed to be a visit inexplicably turned into the non-fiction book that never was meant to be, as Morrie decided that with his final time on this earth he had one more class to teach.
As Morrie's health deteriorates, it doesn't stop him from sharing what he had learned in his life, wanting to help others, and reconnect with the individual that he considered to be like a son to him.
There's no genre of reader that this applies to because this book applies to everyone. It's a short, quick read, and it will leave you thinking about how to enjoy life better and why family and friends are so vital. From someone who is used to covering baseball and sports comes a heart-warming tale that ensures that Morrie's legacy will live on much longer than his physical time on this planet.