Title: Arthur Clarke. 29 books Author(s): Arthur C. Clarke Pages: 2000 Publisher: Publication date: Language: English Format: LIT ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: List:
2010 Odyssey 2.lit
2061 Odyssey 3.lit
3001 Odyssey 4 - The Final Odyssey.lit
A Space Odyssey.lit
Breaking Strain.lit
City and the Stars.lit
Deep Range.lit
Encounter at Dawn.lit
Expedition To Earth.lit
Fountains of Paradise.lit
Hide And Seek.lit
History Lesson.lit
Patent Pending.lit
Rama 01 Rendezvous.lit
Rama 02 - Rama II.lit
Rama 03 - The Garden of Rama.lit
Rama 04 - Rama Revealed.lit
The Deep Range.lit
The Light of Other Days.lit
The Lost Worlds of 2001.lit
The Next Tenants.lit
The Nine Billion Names of God.lit
The Reluctant Orchid.lit
The Songs of Distant Earth.lit
Venus Prime.lit
Arthur.C.Clarke is probably the world's best known and bestselling science fiction writer.He has won innumerable international awards for his fiction, for his science writing and for his inspirational role as one of the chief prophets of the space age.His collaboration with Stanley Kubrick on 2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY set new standards for SF films, and he has also presented the television series ARTHUR.C.CLARKE'S MYSTERIOUS WORLD and its successors. He was described by the New York Times as being "awesomely informed about physics and blessed with one of the most astounding imaginations ever encountered in print."