Title: Lord of the Isles - Full (9) Author(s): David Drake Pages: 700 Publisher: Tor Fantasy Publication date: 1998 Language: English Format: html ISBN-10: 0812522400 ISBN-13: Description: A series of books by author David Drake. In 1997 Drake began his largest fantasy series, Lord of the Isles, using elements of Sumerian religion and medieval era technology. As of May 2008, the series has eight books published, with one more planned to wrap up the series.
Lord of the Isles (1997, ISBN 0-312-85396-3)
Queen of Demons (1998, ISBN 0-312-86468-X)
Servant of the Dragon (1999, ISBN 0-312-86469-8)
Mistress of the Catacombs (2001, ISBN 0-312-87387-5)
Goddess of the Ice Realm (2003, ISBN 0-312-87388-3)
Master of the Cauldron (2004, ISBN 0-312-87496-0)
The Fortress of Glass (2006, ISBN 0-7653-1259-X)
The Mirror of Worlds (2007, ISBN 0-7653-1260-3)
The Gods Return (forthcoming November 2008)
The books center around the lives of four youths from a small village on one of the islands that make up the archipelago of the book's world, known as the Isles. In the first novel, the character Garric or-Reise discovers that he is, in fact, the direct descendant of the last king to rule the Isles, exactly a millennium ago. Then, as now, the power that fueled all magic in the world rose precipitously, allowing the use of spells so powerful they shattered the cohesion of nations, driving them apart and in the process killing Garric's ancestor, Carrus.
The novels deal with Garric's claim to the throne of the Isles, and attempts to unite them once again. In the process, he and his companions are challenged by foes both physical and supernatural, which they must overcome. The basic outline of many of the novels deals with the characters being split apart, often taken to parallel universes or distant periods in time, by some hostile entity or group, which they must then defeat before, or in the process of, re-uniting.
Magic in the series is based on a now-dead language, the Old Script. Its characters are usually drawn using an athame (made of a variety of substances but excluding iron) and the words spoken aloud.