Title: The Amateur Astronomer Author(s): Patrick Moore Pages: 293 Publisher: Springer; 12 edition Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1852338784 ISBN-13: Description: This 2000 Edition of Sir Patrick Moore's classic book has been completely revised in the light of changes in technology. Not only do these changes include commercially available astronomical telescopes and software, but also what we know and understand about the universe. There are many new photographs and illustrations. Writing in the easy-going style that made him famous as a writer and broadcaster, Sir Patrick introduced astronomy and amateur observing together, so that his reader gets an idea of what he is observing at the same time as how to observe. Almost half the book is Appendices. These are hugely comprehensive and provide hints and tips, as well as data (year 2000 onwards) for pretty well every aspect of amateur astronomy. This is probably the only book in which all this information is collected in one place.
From Publishers Weekly
In this first revised edition of astronomer Moore's 1957 classic guide, amateur astronomers will find everything they need to know to begin fruitfully and enjoyably viewing celestial objects. The author discusses types of telescopes and their flaws, how to care for instruments and use them to best advantage. He describes not only the pleasures that amateurs can obtain from astronomy but the serious scientific work they can perform as well, particularly in planetary astronomy, an area few professionals now study. Moore also weaves together the history of astronomy with recent findings of astrophysics and satellite mapping. The invaluable appendixes include star and lunar surface maps, dates and times of upcoming solar and lunar eclipses, the scientific names of constellations and major stars. Photos. Macmillan Library of Science main selection.
From the reviews of the twelfth edition:
"The Amateur Astronomer is aimed at both novice and experienced amateur, although evidently biased towards the former. : should be mandatory reading for anyone thinking of buying a first telescope. : We find here useful statistical data, cartographies, catalogues, and notes relevant to the owners of small to medium telescopes. : Now approaching 50 years old : this 12th edition continues the book's long tradition of providing an invaluable handbook for those requiring a broad introduction to amateur astronomy. A classic; absolutely recommended." (Steve Ringwood, Astronomy Now, June 2005)