Kanji Power: A Workbook for Mastering Japanese Characters free download online
Title: Kanji Power: A Workbook for Mastering Japanese Characters Author(s): John Millen Pages: 184 Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Co. Publication date: 1993 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 0804817251 ISBN-13: Description: Kanji Power presents the level 1 and 2 joyo kanji, which Japanese kids learn in their first two years of school. Learning by frequency of occurence (such as with many of the kanji cards available) may be a better approach, depending on your goals. If you want to read children's books and the like, go with the joyo ordering -- you'll get furigana for higher-level kanji.
The presentation is fairly rote, like how it's taught in the schools, which will prove more effective for some than others. I personally need mnemonics and am interested in how the kanjis came to be, but I have Kanji Pictographix and Read Japanese Today for this purpose.
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