Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edition (+Solutions and All Supplements, 6th Edition) free download online

Title: Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edition (+Solutions and All Supplements, 6th Edition)
Author(s): Douglas C. Montgomery
Pages: 672
Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition
Publication date: 2000
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0471316490
Description: Review "students will continue to find this book useful as a reference text long after the course they bought it for has finished." (Quality & Reliability Engineering International, , March/April 2002) Reviewer: A customer Having taken two experimental design classes with Dr. Montgomery himself, hands down this book is excellent, as is the author himself. A lot of the material that we used in our advanced phD level experimental design class comes from the extra material that is available for free of off the books supplemental website, and there is a great wealth of more advanced material in there that is worth printing off, and there is a lot of supplemental material. So if you feel solid on what is in the textbook, tackle the supplemental material to further delve into DOE topics. The book uses numerous examples using SAS, Minitab and Design-Expert and lots of practice problems, so following along using any of the packages is pretty easy. Reviewer: A customer This text was used in a graduate course on the Design of Experiments. It has a great wealth of examples that span many different fields of industry, from pharmaceuticals to "tool and die" manufacturing. This text, when used along with a statistical software package, made research projects easy to design, implement, analyze and present to others. I found the chapters on reliability, determining sample size for mixed models (random and fixed variables), very helpful in my research. By Michael R. Chernick "statman13" (Malvern, PA) Doug Montgomery is an engineer with great statistical training. This enabled him to be a great teacher for statistical practitioners and an author of several excellent applied books in the design and analysis of experimental data and statistical process control. This book is one of the best sources for Design of Experiments for engineers, currently a very important topic in industry. He provides a wealth of information on classical designs and the analysis of variance models. In addition he provides a balanced perspective on the value of Taguchi designs. Other topics covered include response surface methods, evolutionary operation and mixture experiments.

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