CAN YOU STOMACH THE BEST OF RUSHDIE? 'The Satanic Verses' unexpurgated free download online
Title: CAN YOU STOMACH THE BEST OF RUSHDIE? 'The Satanic Verses' unexpurgated Author(s): SHEIKH AHMED DEEDAT Pages: 18 Publisher: IRF Publication date: Language: english Format: doc ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: So far 'Satanic' Salman has succeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim women and orphaned Muslim children with his poisoned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was needed) that "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!"
Despite all my anger, sorrow and bitterness i still plead with my fellow Muslims in travail - "Stop crying", "Don't wail!", "No more protest marches or book burning!" All our visible signs of pain and anguish are giving the enemies of Islam gleeful sadistic pleasures. I say, STOP IT! Turn the Tables!
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