PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition) free download online
Title: PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition) Author(s): James D. Carlson Pages: 416 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 edition Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0201700530 ISBN-13: Description: PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging, Second Edition is a complete and convenient resource for network system designers and administrators. This book contains everything you need to know to work with the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), one of the most important Internet protocols in use today. Inside you'll find clear explanations of the underlying concepts, practical implementation information, and valuable debugging techniques to keep your PPP connections running smoothly, efficiently, and without interruption. Extensively revised and expanded to cover the latest developments in PPP and network technology, this Second Edition addresses such current topics as: * PPP in today's telecommunications infrastructure * PPP and telephony * Optical (SONET/SDH) PPP links * The relationship between PPP and routing protocols (such as OSPF) * Security services, including RADIUS * PPP and L2TP virtual private networks * The design of the popular ANU ppp-2.3 implementation PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging, Second Edition provides an overview of PPP design and operation, and follows PPP in detail through each of its three main stages--link establishment, authentication, and data transmission. Each PPP protocol is described in depth, including LCP (Link Control Protocol), CCP (Compression Control Protocol), and ECP (Encryption Control Protocol). PPP's relationship to other networking protocols is also examined. In addition, this book offers an experience-based troubleshooting guide that describes proven solutions to common PPP problems. The accompanying CD-ROM contains samples of PPP implementations and many useful reference documents.
Book Info
Contains everything needed to be known to work with the Point-to-Point Protocol, one of the most important Internet protocols in use today. Contains explanations of the underlying concepts, practical implementation information, and debugging techniques. Previous edition: c1998. Softcover. DLC: PPP (Computer network protocol).
Preface to the Second Edition
CHAPTER ONE Introduction
CHAPTER TWO PPP Communication Basics
CHAPTER THREE LCP and the PPP State Machines
CHAPTER FOUR Authentication and Security
CHAPTER FIVE The Network Layer Protocols
CHAPTER SIX The Transforming Layers
CHAPTER SEVEN Bandwidth Management and Call Control
CHAPTER NINE Debugging Links
CHAPTER TEN One PPP Implementation
APPENDIX A Cross-References
APPENDIX B Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Standard Characters
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