Title: LAN Switching First-Step Author(s): Matthew J Castelli Pages: 408 Publisher: Cisco Press Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: LAN Switching First-Step is anyones introduction to the world of Local Area Network Switching. A title from the new First-Step series from Cisco Press, this book provides the most accessible introduction to this essential part of networks. Assuming no prior experience, and written in an approachable, conversational style, LAN Switching First-Step makes the world of LAN switching one that anyone can understand.
Case Studies, Tips, Notes, Alerts, Chapter Overviews, Chapter Summaries, and the other elements that are used throughout the First-Step series help readers understand and retain basic switching concepts and theories that are presented throughout the book. LAN Switching First-Step provides network novices with a fundamental introduction and guide that will help them quickly and easily understand what LAN switching is, how it works, and where it fits in a network architecture