Title: Subsea Pipelines and Risers Author(s): Yong Bai Pages: 700 Publisher: Elsevier Publication date: 2005 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0080445667 ISBN-13: Description: Product Description
Marine pipelines for the transportation of oil and gas have become a safe and reliable part of the expanding infrastructure put in place for the development of the valuable resources below the worlds seas and oceans. The design of these pipelines is a relatively new technology and continues to evolve as the design of more cost effective pipelines becomes a priority and applications move into deeper waters and more hostile environments.
This updated edition of a best selling title provides the reader with a scope and depth of detail related to the design of offshore pipelines and risers not seen before in a textbook format. With over 25years experience, Professor Yong Bai has been able to assimilate the essence of the applied mechanics aspects of offshore pipeline system design in a form of value to students and designers alike. It represents an excellent source of up to date practices and knowledge to help equip those who wish to be part of the exciting future of this industry.
Product Details
* Hardcover: 700 pages
* Publisher: Elsevier Science; 2nd edition (December 5, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0080445667
* ISBN-13: 978-0080445663