Title: Quantum Mechanics Demystified Author(s): David McMahon Pages: 393 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071455469 ISBN-13: Description: From the Back Cover
* Fun FORMAT makes this complex subject EASY to GRASP
* SOLUTIONS to typical problems are EXPLAINED in full DETAIL
* Perfect for SELF-STUDY or CLASS supplement
* Great for quick REVIEW or help PREPARE for the Physics Qualifying EXAM
Now anyone can master the basics of quantum mechanics -- without formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In Quantum Mechanics Demystified, physicist (and student-savvy author) David McMahon provides an effective and illuminating way to learn the essentials of quantum mechanics.
With Quantum Mechanics Demystified, you master the subject one step at a time -- at your own speed. This unique self-teaching guide is filled with solved examples throughout, and offers problems to try at the end of each chapter to pinpoint weaknesses. A final exam serves to reinforce concepts covered in the entire book.
This fast and entertaining self-teaching course makes it much easier to --
* Master serious quantum mechanics in easy-to-follow steps
* Cut through the jargon and learn how to do quantum mechanics using worked examples
* Reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses with questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive final exam
* Learn about Schrodinger's equation, one dimensional scattering, Hilbert space, and the density operator
* Find extensive explanations of spin and angular momentum, vector spaces, matrix mechanics, the harmonic oscillator, and the hydrogen atom
* Perform better on qualifying or placement exams
* Take a "final exam" and grade it yourself!
Clear enough for beginners but challenging enough for those who already know something about advanced physics, Quantum Mechanics Demystified is the best self-teaching tool you can find!
About the Author
David McMahon (Albuquerque, NM) works as a researcher in the national labs on nuclear energy. He has advanced degrees in physics and applied mathematics and has written several titles for McGraw-Hill.