Developing USB PC Peripherals Using Intel 8X930AX USB Microcontroller free download online

Title: Developing USB PC Peripherals Using Intel 8X930AX USB Microcontroller
Author(s): Wooi Ming Tan, Wooi Tan
Pages: 176
Publisher: Annabooks
Publication date: 2000
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0929392388
Description: About the Author Wooi Ming is a Senior Technical Marketing Engineer for Intel USB Microcontrollers. He focuses on USB, microcontroller architecture, firmware development, and the utilization of microcontrollers in various USB application. He has been involved in the USB world since the early days of USB development. Wooi Ming also provides technical consultations to various major OEMs and has helped them to develop and demonstrate their USB products in several international tradeshows. Wooi Ming has a Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor Degree in Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His Master's research was on the behavior of the third generation digital cordless protocols in fading channels. He has programmed in C, C++, and various microcontroller assembly languages, using the IBM PC/DOS, Windows operating system, VAX/VMS, and UNIX environments. He has experienc! e with data networks and VAX/VMS systems planning and management, and in the manufacturing of wireless communications systems.

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