The Encyclopedia of Police Science, Third Edition free download online
Title: The Encyclopedia of Police Science, Third Edition Author(s): Jack R. Greene Pages: 1752 Publisher: Routledge Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0415970008 ISBN-13: Description: From Booklist
This third edition of The Encyclopedia of Police Science expands upon the first and second editions, from 1989 and 1995, respectively, by focusing on more recent trends in policing and the multitude of changes that have occurred in the last decade. It also extends the range of topics covered in the two previous editions to provide a broader, more robust background understanding of police and the various social, economic, and political trends that have affected police science. Of the 354 alphabetically arranged entries, 196 are new to this edition, and 127 have been updated. Entries vary in length, with those on individual departments or police officers averaging 2 pages. Most entries average 3 to 4 pages in length, though some topics merit a much more thorough investigation. Problem-oriented policing is almost 8 pages, and Terrorism: International is almost 7 pages in length. Following each entry are a list of cross-references to other entries and a list of references and further readings. Although police science overlaps with the territory covered in other resources, such as the Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice (Macmillan, 2001) and the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (Sage, 2002), this is the only reference work dealing exclusively with the study of police and policing. Libraries that already own the first or second editions may want to keep them as historical resources but will want to add the third edition to their reference collections for its more current focus. This title should be considered by academic and large public libraries with an interest in the topic. Donaldson, Christine
Product Description
In 1996, Garland published the Encyclopedia of Police Science: 2nd Edition, edited by the late William G. Bailey. The work covered all the major sectors of policing in the US. Since then much research has been done on policing issues, and there have been significant changes in techniques and in the American police system. Technological advances have refined and generated methods of investigation. Political events, such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, have created new policing needs while affecting public opinion about law enforcement. These developments appear in the third, expanded edition of the Encyclopedia of Police Science. 380 entries examine the theoretical and practical aspects of law enforcement, discussing past and present practices. The added coverage makes the Encyclopedia more comprehensive with a greater focus on today's policing issues. Also added are themes such as accountability, the culture of police, and the legal framework that affects police decision. New topics discuss recent issues, such as Internet and crime, international terrorism, airport safety, or racial profiling. Entries are contributed by scholars as well as experts working in police departments, crime labs, and various fields of policing.
Entries include: administration; communication; criminology; historical personalities; demographics; detection techniques; forensics; history; justice system; legislation; methods of patrol; police management; procedures; psychological issues; public view of police; social issues; significant cases; specific police departments; politics; technology; types of crimes.
Product Details
* Hardcover: 1752 pages
* Publisher: Routledge; 3 edition (October 23, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0415970008
* ISBN-13: 978-0415970006
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