Title: Programming Windows, Fifth Edition (+Source Code) Author(s): Charles Petzold Pages: 1100 Publisher: Microsoft Press; 5 Har/Cdr edition Publication date: 1998 Language: English Format: CHM, PDF ISBN-10: 157231995X ISBN-13: Description: Presents what you need to know to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, & Windows NT 5.0. These programs are written in the C programming language & use the native Windows application programming interfaces (APIs).
Programming Windows is a tutorial for programmers wishing to write applications for Windows using the C programming language and the native Win32 application programming interface (API). Programs written using this book run under every version of Windows from Windows 95 through Windows XP and beyond. Knowledge of C is required.
The definitive guide to the Win32 API.
"Look it up in Petzold" remains the decisive last word in answering questions about Windows development. And in PROGRAMMING WINDOWS, FIFTH EDITION, the esteemed Windows Pioneer Award winner revises his classic text with authoritative coverage of the latest versions of the Windows operating system-once again drilling down to the essential API heart of Win32 programming. Topics include:
* The basics-input, output, dialog boxes
* An introduction to Unicode
* Graphics-drawing, text and fonts, bitmaps and metafiles
* The kernel and the printer
* Sound and music
* Dynamic-link libraries
* Multitasking and multithreading
* The Multiple-Document Interface
* Programming for the Internet and intranets
Packed as always with definitive examples, this newest Petzold delivers the ultimate sourcebook and tutorial for Windows programmers at all levels working with Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows NT. No aspiring or experienced developer can afford to be without it.
An electronic version of this book is available on the companion CD.
Author's Note
Visit my web site www.cpetzold.com for updated information regarding this book, including possible bug reports and new code listings. You can address mail regarding problems in this book to charles@cpetzold.com. Although I'll also try to answer any easy questions you may have, I can't make any promises. I'm usually pretty busy, and my cat refuses to learn the Windows API.
I'd like to thank everyone at Microsoft Press for another great job in putting together this book. I think this "10th Anniversary Edition" of Programming Windows is the best edition yet. Many other people at Microsoft (including some of the early developers of Microsoft Windows) also helped out when I was writing the earlier editions, and these fine people are listed in those editions.
Thanks also to my family and friends, and in particular those more recent friends (you know who you are!) whose support has made this book possible. To you this book is dedicated.
Charles Petzold
October 5, 1998