Title: Tactical Missile Design (AIAA Education Series) Author(s): Eugene L. Fleeman Pages: 267 Publisher: AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Publication date: 2001 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1563474948 ISBN-13: 9781563474941 Description: This is the first textbook offered for tactical missile design. It is oriented toward the needs of aerospace engineering students, missile engineers, and missile program managers. It is intended to provide a basis for including tactical missile design as part of the aerospace engineering curriculum, providing new graduates with the knowledge they will need in their careers.
The author’s 36 years of experience in the development of tactical missiles and their technologies are presented in an integrated handbook method for missile design. It uses simple closed-form analytical expressions that are physics-based to provide insight into the primary driving parameters. The text also provides example calculations of rocket-powered and ramjet-powered baseline missiles, typical values of missile parameters, examples of the characteristics of current operational missiles, discussion of the enabling subsystems and technologies of tactical missiles, and the current/projected state of the art of tactical missiles.
About the Author
Eugene L. Fleeman is Chief Engineer, Missiles Systems, Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory. He earned his B.S. in aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati, and his M.S. at the University of Dayton. With more than 36 years' experience, Fleeman is a well-known instructor of short courses, and author of more than 60 publications.