Title: Play the French Author(s): John L. Watson Pages: 212 Publisher: Pergamon Publication date: 1984 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 008026929X ISBN-13: Description: From the Back Cover
After the immense success of the first two editions, the chess world has been anticipating the next installment with baited breath... and now the wait is over!
Once again this is a fully revised edition of John Watson's classic Play the French, providing Black with a complete repertoire in the French Defence, one of the most strategically and dynamically complex opening systems.
As is typical with his books, Watson often arms the reader with not one, but a choice of two and sometimes three lines against every main variation. Watson also presents a thorough grounding on the positional and tactical aspects of the opening and outlines the typical plans for both White and Black. This is particularly welcome for those newcomers wishing to add the French Defence to their openings armory. Last, but not least, hardened French Defence devotees will find plenty of original analysis and suggestions to sink their teeth into.
The previous editions of Play the French were amongst the most powerful opening books of the 1980s and 90s, and this only added to the large number of French Defence advocates at every level of chess. Now Watson has updated his analysis for French Defence players of the new millennium.