Title: TCP/IP Unleashed (3rd Edition) Author(s): Tim Parker, Karanjit Siyan, Karanjit B. Siyan Pages: 1000 Publisher: Sams; 3rd edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0672323516 ISBN-13: Description: Amazon.com
TCP/IP is usually a subject for network professionals and hardcore geeks. While the acronym (which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) gets thrown around a lot, most nontechnical users don't realize that it's the suite of protocols used to connect computers to the Internet. Timothy Parker explains the basics of TCP/IP, goes on to the protocols and services it provides, shows how to implement it in various environments, and then explains how it is used on the net. There are also chapters on administering a TCP/IP network, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Not for the faint of heart or the average user, this is a book for those who want to gain advanced communications knowledge and experience. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Book Description
TCP/IP Unleashed, Third Edition, explains the features and complexities of the TCP/IP protocol suite in a comprehensive, logical format. The book is designed for easy reference and incorporates step-by-step guidelines and configuration examples to enhance the reader's learning experience. Our expert authors walk through the fundamentals of TCP/IP before moving on to more challenging topics including naming and addressing, IPv6, routing, implementation, TCP/IP applications, and TCP/IP network administration. TCP/IP Unleashed has been revised to include the latest implementation information and real-world experiences, including configuring TCP/IP for Linux and Windows 2000 systems.