Title: Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis Author(s): M. Azfal Mir Pages: 336 Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 2 edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0702026689 ISBN-13: Description: The new, 2nd Edition of this practical guide employs a sign-oriented approach to the diagnosis of both common and rare medical disorders. This comprehensive collection of clinical pictures, organized by anatomical region, reflects actual clinical practice where a diagnosis has to be constructed from a single sign or a collection of signs. Fundamental, pathognomonic, and commonly seen specific and non-specific clinical signs are presented with clinical features highlighted for rapid recognition and interpretation. In addition, the book provides guidance on appropriate bedside clinical tests for establishing diagnoses.
* Presents over 1,300 high quality photographscomplemented by concise explanatory textto aid in diagnosis.
* Covers all general medical problems as well as disorders in dermatology, neurology, rheumatology, ophthalmology, and endocrinology.
* Organized logically by anatomic area.
* Now includes explanatory captions for all illustrations.
* Includes a wealth of new photographs for even greater coverage of clinical conditions.
* Features a revised and improved text design with larger pages.
"...the author feels there is still a place for bedside medicine and this book is proof...
The book is fully indexed so it is easy to find what you are looking for, by either looking here or in the contents. You could easily while away an hour idly leafing through the book, picking up numerous snippets by which to impress your colleagues." Dr JM Sager, Medix-UK, July 2003
over 1200 full colour, high quality photos of pathologies...a good book, well laid out and written." Medical Student, GKT Gazette, February 2004
Summary: Excellent resource for visual diagnosis
Rating: 5
"A picture is worth a thousand words" certainly holds true in medicine; you can read all you want about a physical finding, but nothing clarifies better than a picture. This book has over 1300 excellent color photos of various physical findings, pathological signs, and disease markers organized into sections that correspond to the various body parts: face, mouth, arms, legs, etc. They can be perused at random or consulted by specific body part to help with a diagnosis. Atlases usually have a sparcity of text, but the author manages to squeeze in a good amount of description and related information for enhanced learning. Great for students or veteran practitioners.