Title: The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet Author(s): Evelyn Tribole Pages: 353 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071469869 ISBN-13: Description: Live longer, better, and healthier with omega-3s!
The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet is the first book to offer simple, practical steps for striking the proper balance between miraculous omega-3 fats and the less-healthy omega-6 fats to get the most out of your diet. Armed with the practical information in The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet, you'll be able to:
* Discover delicious omega-3-rich foods that are right in your supermarket
* Cook mouthwatering meals using the 40 included recipes and meal plans
* Navigate the often-confusing supplements aisle
* Read food labels to identify hidden omega-6 fats found in many foods
* Pack in omega-3s even when eating out
* Learn the omega-3 and omega-6 content of more than 900 foods