Title: Basic Ophthalmology Author(s): Cynthia A. Bradford Pages: 236 Publisher: American Academy of Ophthalmology Publication date: 2004-09-01 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1560553618 ISBN-13: Description: Basic Ophthalmology
An ideal complement to the medical student's curriculum and a leading text for primary care residents and physicians. Basic Ophthalmology presents practical information for the diagnosis, management, and referral of common ocular disorders. Includes updated images and resources, additional sample clinical problems, and the latest information on such areas as glaucoma care and eye-related aging changes. Covers the eye examination, acute and chronic visual loss, the red eye, ocular and orbital injuries, amblyopia and strabismus, neuro-ophthalmology, ocular manifestations of systemic diseases, and drugs and the eye.