Title: Mobile Virtual Work Author(s): Editors : J.H. Erik & Vartianen Pages: 397 Publisher: Springer Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 3540283641 ISBN-13: Description: This is a book about mobile virtual work. It aims at clarifying the basic
concepts and showing present practices and future challenges. The roots of
the book are in the collaboration of few European practitioners and researchers,
who met each other under the umbrella of the Swedish SALTSA
programme (see next page) in January 2002 in Stockholm. The group was
first called ICT, Mobility and Work Organisation but redefined itself
quickly as Mobile Virtual Cooperative Work group. The change of the
name reflects the development of reasoning in the group. We could not
find much material on mobile work, certainly not systematic studies, although
a growing interest in mobile technologies and services could be
found. Practices of telework and virtual organizations were better known,
but we were convinced that the combination with mobile work was something
different and new. Our main target became to understand what it was
all about.