Title: Chihuahuas For Dummies Author(s): Jacqueline O'Neil Pages: 298 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0470229675 ISBN-13: Description: Are you crazy about Chihuahuas? Chihuahuas For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is fully updated to show you how to find the one you値l love most and make him or her part of your family. This one-stop guide gives you all the information you need to raise and care for your plucky little pooch.
You値l find expert advice on everything from feeding and healthcare to housebreaking, grooming, training, and more. Plus, you値l learn the ins and outs of selecting the right vet, handling emergencies, and even entering your little darling in a dog show. You値l find out about the ups and downs of living with a pet, get familiar with the Chihuahua痴 classic physical characteristics, and find help in deciding whether you壇 prefer a dog with a long coat or a smooth coat. Discover how to:
* Choose your ideal Chihuahua
* Prepare your home for your new arrival
* Manage your puppy痴 nutrition and health
* Prevent common behavior problems
* Teach your Chihuahua fun tricks
* Build a strong and loving bond with your pet
* Train children to get along with your Chihuahua
* Choose Chihuahua toys and accessories
* Select a crate and bedding
* Introduce your little dog to other pets
* Teach your little dynamo manners and good behavior
You know that bringing a Chihuahua into your home will be a happy and joyful experience. Chihuahuas For Dummies, 2nd Edition, makes it easy, too!