Title: Math Proofs Demystified Author(s): Stan Gibilisco Pages: 290 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071445765 ISBN-13: Description: Almost every student has to study some sort of mathematical proofs, whether it be in geometry, trigonometry, or with higher-level topics. In addition, mathematical theorems have become an interesting course for many students outside of the mathematical arena, purely for the reasoning and logic that is needed to complete them. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have philosophy and law students grappling with proofs. This book is the perfect resource for demystifying the techniques and principles that govern the mathematical proof area, and is done with the standard "Demystified" level, questions and answers, and accessibility.
PROOF POSITIVE -- YOU CAN DO MATH PROOFS! Here's an entertaining way to learn to prove math theorems! You won't need formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In "Math Proofs Demystified, best-selling math and science writer Stan Gibilisco provides an effective and painless way to overcome the intimidation most students feel when venturing into math theory. By the time you finish this book, you'll be proving math theorems with confidence! You'll also understand the fundamentals of elementary logic. With "Math Proofs Demystified, you master the subject one simple step at a time -- at your own speed. This unique self-teaching guide offers problems at the end of each chapter and section to pinpoint weaknesses, and a 70-question final exam to reinforce the entire book. If you want to build or refresh your math proof skills, here's a fast and entertaining self-teaching course that's specially designed to minimize anxiety. Get ready to: Explore the wonders of the mathematical world Learn all about logic, validity, paradoxes, fallacies, and forms of deception Investigate famous theorems Develop a plan of action for each proof Construct proofs for algebra, geometry, set theory, number theory, and other math fields See how theorems relate to graphs and functions Take a "final exam" and grade it yourself! Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for math-savvy readers, "Math Proofs Demystified is a fun way to learn or brush up on the fundamentals of this fascinating subject.