Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional free download online
Title: Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional Author(s): James L. Weaver, Kevin Mukhar, James P. Crume Pages: 700 Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. 2004. Corr. 2nd printing edition Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1590593413 ISBN-13: Description: This book is aimed at programmers who have learned the basics of Java from, for example, Beginning Java 1.4: From Novice to Professional, and are now ready to learn how to use Java in the real world, with J2EE. But, J2EE is a big spec, and the target audience is not interested in Enterprise JavaBeans and other advanced specs within J2EE. In fact, 75% of J2EE applications are built using only JavaServer Pages and Servlets (two of the simpler technologies to learn in J2EE), so these are the areas that the audience is particularly interested in.
Download Description
The Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is an extremely powerful platform for developing enterprise-level Java-based applications for primarily the server. In order to harness that power, you need to know how to properly use the API in the J2EE platform. In this book, Weaver, Mukhar, and Crume give you an overview of how the pieces of the J2EE platform work together and complement each other.
This book goes further than just showing you how to code a JSP or an EJB: This book explains when and where to use these APIs, their strengths and weaknesses, and best practices for using them. This book explores
* Creating dynamic clients using JSP and servlets
* Connecting and using databases through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
* Implementing a business tier using EJB
* Using Web services and XML in your enterprise applications
This book also contains hands-on tutorials, clear explanations, and working code examples that will take you to the next step, from writing client-side desktop applications to writing enterprise applications. You will learn how to use the individual APIs and tools in the J2EE platform, and how to bring these together to create your own enterprise applications.
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