Title: Python 2.1 Bible Author(s): Dave Brueck, Stephen Tanner Pages: 731 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2001 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764548077 ISBN-13: Description: The Python 2.1 Bible provides the only complete Python language reference on the market and includes all the information and software that developers need to use Python as a rapid application development tool.
The Python 2.1 Bible fills a critical void in the Python reference market. Although it includes a complete Python language reference section, it is still geared towards those of you who already have some programming experience. This book explains each piece of technology in depth and shows through clear examples why each feature is useful. This is the manual you've been waiting for -- the one that covers all major Python components without glossing over how the various pieces fit together.
From the Back Cover
If Python 2.1 can do it, you can do it too … Packed with crystal-clear explanations, hands-on examples, and a complete language reference, this authoritative guide gives you all the tools you need for rapid application development with Python 2.1. From variables, expressions, and other basics to XML, multimedia, and multithreading, Python pros Dave Brueck and Stephen Tanner show you step by step how to master Python components, put them together, and create full-featured applications — in practically no time! Inside, you'll find complete coverage of Python 2.