Title: Beginning Shell Scripting Author(s): Eric Foster-Johnson, John C. Welch, Micah Anderson Pages: 528 Publisher: Wrox Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764583204 ISBN-13: Description: * Covering all major platforms-Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows-this guide shows programmers and power users how to customize an operating system, automate commands, and simplify administration tasks using shell scripts
* Offers complete shell-scripting instructions, robust code examples, and full scripts for OS customization
* Covers shells as a user interface, basic scripting techniques, script editing and debugging, graphing data, and simplifying administrative tasks
* In addition to Unix and Linux scripting, the book covers the latest Windows scripting techniques and offers a complete tutorial on Mac OS X scripting, including detailed coverage of mobile file systems, legacy applications, Mac text editors, video captures, and the Mac OS X Open Scripting Architecture