Title: The Mechatronics Handbook Author(s): Robert H. Bishop (Editor) Pages: 1272 Publisher: CRC; 1 edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0849300665 ISBN-13: Description: Destined to become a standard reference found on the desks of engineering professionals around the world, this handbook sets forth the state of the art of mechatronics. It offers interpretations of current and future trends and provides complete references that direct readers to other sources. Comprising approximately 75 articles authored by leading academics and practitioners, the handbook is filled with figures, formulas, tables, and citations cross-referenced for easy access. Clear explanations of each technical area ensure that non-specialists can understand and use the information presented.
The Mechatronics Handbook is highly recommended for academic libraries supporting undergraduate or advanced programs in electronics, electrical engineering, computer science, robotics, and related subjects.
-Holly Flynn, Mathematics Librarian, Michigan State University Vernon G. Grove Research Library
...This handbook is a prime example of such a new compilation of basic sciences and engineering knowledge from the mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, and computer and information sciences fields. To this reviewer's view, the editor and his author associates have made an excellent selection of topics to present a good overall view of this new and important field.
- CHOICE, September 2002