American Political Parties and Elections: A Very Short Introduction free download online
Title: American Political Parties and Elections: A Very Short Introduction Author(s): Louis Sandy Maisel Pages: 192 Publisher: Oxford University Press, Oxford Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0195301226 ISBN-13: Description: This book is a very useful first step for anyone who is serious about learning more about American politics. It covers all the main features of the system, without getting bogged down in technical details. It provides a concise and accessible overview, from both historical and contemporary points of view. The inclusion of several recent political contests makes the material relevant and approachable. It is an easy and enjoyable read and will be appreciated by anyone who is interested in the subject, whether you have been following American politics for decades or are completely new to it. I highly recommend it.
Few Americans and even fewer citizens of other nations understand the electoral process in the United States. Still fewer understand the role played by political parties in the electoral process or the ironies within the system. Participation in elections in the United States is much lower than in the vast majority of mature democracies. Perhaps this is because of the lack of competition in a country where only two parties have a true chance of winning, despite the fact that a large number of citizens claim allegiance to neither and think badly of both. Or perhaps it is because in the U.S. campaign contributions disproportionately favor incumbents in most legislative elections, or that largely unregulated groups such as the now notorious 527s have as much impact on the outcome of a campaign as do the parties or the candidates' campaign organizations. Studying these factors, you begin to get a very clear picture indeed of the problems that underlay our much trumpeted electoral system.
This Very Short Introduction introduces the reader to these issues and more, providing an insider's view of how the system actually works while shining a light on some of its flaws. As we enter what is sure to be yet another highly contested election year, it is more important than ever that Americans take the time to learn the system that puts so many in power.
About the Author
Sandy Maisel is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Government and Director of the Goldfarb Center of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement at Colby College. A former candidate for Congress, Maisel is the author or editor of 15 books on political parties and elections and is a frequent commentator on contemporary politics.
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