Title: AutoCAD 2007 For Dummies Author(s): David Byrnes, Mark Middlebrook Pages: 432 Publisher: For Dummies; Rev Ed edition Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0471786497 ISBN-13: Description: - AutoCAD shows users how to create precise 2D and 3D technical drawings, and this book offers readers practical advice, proven methods, and reliable tips from the authors' years of CAD experience
- Fully updated to cover the new features of AutoCAD "X"
- Topics discussed include creating a basic layout, drawing and editing, writing text in drawings, plotting, creating and editing an external reference file, CAD standards, and drawing on the Internet
- Writing style offers a gentle and humorous approach to the subject matter of creating complex and intricate technical drawings
From the Back Cover
Meet the newest version of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT!
Get acquainted with DWG, set up drawings, add text, and work with lines
Welcome to the world of AutoCAD 2007! The program may be complex, but this friendly guide helps you navigate around all the complications and start creating cool drawings quickly. Get the hang of CAD standards, see what makes AutoCAD 2007 different, plot and edit your work, draw in 3D, put your stuff online, and more.
Discover how to
- Understand and use AutoCAD tools
- Work with Zoom and Pan
- Use the AutoCAD Design Center
- Draw lines, polylines, polygons, and circles
- Slice and dice drawings
- Model and manipulate 3D objects