Hacking GPS free download online

Title: Hacking GPS
Author(s): Kathie Kingsley-Hughes
Pages: 351
Publisher: Wiley
Publication date: 2005
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0764584243
Description: * This is the "user manual" that didn't come with any of the 30 million GPS receivers currently in use, showing readers how to modify, tweak, and hack their GPS to take it to new levels! * Crazy-cool modifications include exploiting secret keycodes, revealing hidden features, building power cords and cables, hacking the battery and antenna, protecting a GPS from impact and falls, making a screen protector, and solar-powering a GPS * Potential power users will take the function and performance of their GPS to a whole new level by hacking into the firmware and hacking into a PC connection with a GPS * Fear not! Any potentially dangerous mod (to the device) is clearly labeled, with precautions listed that should be taken * Game time! Readers can check out GPS games, check into hacking geocaching, and even use a GPS as a metal detector

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